Welcome to the Carrickonsuir.net website. Please note that this site will always be “a work in progress “as we will always add new and interesting content.We encourage you all to check back in with us from time to time & see what new information we have added. We will always be working hard to ensure that the site carries as much information about our town as possible.If you have any suggestions please contact us at cos.business@gmail.com.
This will be your guide to where to stay, shop and dine, what to do and what’s on in our town. This site is run and managed by the Carrick on Suir Business Association (COSBA). In 2018 Carrick on Suir Business Association launched a new digital marketing campaign – titled ‘Carrick on Suir, for Heritage, Business and Leisure’ , which can be viewed below. This campaign was funded by Tipperary County Council, directed and produced by Pete Smith in association with COSBA and the Tudor Artisan Hub, Arts Collective Carrick on Suir. Our Mission is to showcase Carrick on Suir’s unique attributes – as an attractive town to visit, live and work in and a great destination for tourism and shopping; a place where new and existing entrepreneurs are encouraged and supported: where training and employment opportunities are actively generated.